
Solutions for energy supply companies

Aartesys solutions enable energy data to be transmitted and displayed in a matter of seconds via various communication channels (3G, 4G, 5G, LAN, PLC, fiber optics, etc.) as well as secure two-way communication.

Aartesys offers the following standardized solutions in the field of energy supply:

  • Energy data readout
  • Energy and power quality measurements
  • Monitoring transformer stations
  • Secure remote access
  • Remote switching tasks via Aartesys I/O modules

Aartesys systems have proven themselves in various energy supply facilities: Remote meter reading and remote access to metering equipment are among the classic applications.

They are also typically used as data loggers in transformer stations.
The flexible integration of ripple control tasks into the Aartesys solutions is possible.

Latest generation EasyGateway V80

Secure protocols, unrestricted Internet communication and a wide range of local interfaces characterize the EasyGateway® V-Series communication gateways.

The proven Aartesys EasyGateway® family is complemented by the V80 models with a very powerful edge device. In addition to the proven security and productivity when accessing your networks, four powerful CPU cores and container-based virtualization provide a good performance basis for your edge device applications.

Success Stories

A centerpiece of BKW

Smart metering, energy data smarter than ever.

Future = Communication - EV Büren

Smart metering and much more.

Janitza - Remote access, latest version

Energy and power quality measurements.


Industrial IoT platform Amira

The AMIRA management system is a highly scalable and modularly expandable IIoT platform for device management, monitoring and fault detection, remote access for troubleshooting, as well as reporting and alerting.

AMIRA forms the central infrastructure for capturing and managing data streams from and to communication gateways, edge devices and sensors.
AMIRA assumes the role of a data hub for secure and controllable communication with ERPs, production systems, big data servers or support systems.

The AMIRA management system is based on the latest IP-based protocols and enables worldwide, secure communication with the managed devices.

  • The fully IP-based device communication supports any wired IP communication as well as the growing range of mobile communication standards and mobile IoT communication offerings.
  • The system functions are designed for high operational reliability, especially when communicating via mobile networks, and no special requirements such as fixed IP etc. are necessary.
  • The software architecture is designed for maximum scalability.
  • Open, modern northbound interfaces ensure seamless integration into peripheral systems and secure interoperability.
  • The highest level of attention is paid to data security in terms of architecture, and communication security is guaranteed by sophisticated and verified encryption procedures.

Request a demo of our platform today!
Click here.


Janitza, solutions for energy and power quality measurements

Janitza electronics is the leading supplier of energy measurement technology and measuring devices and offers a complete range of grid monitoring devices with the corresponding accessories – the UMG series.
These devices help to obtain a comprehensive overview of your energy supply, set limit values and issue warnings if these are exceeded.
In addition, the power quality is monitored in accordance with generally applicable standards (e.g. EN 50160).
With the C2C Service and the EasyGateway® from Aartesys, you can access your measurement technology worldwide and at any time.
The necessary features have been integrated into the Janitza software, making it extremely easy for the customer to automatically establish a connection and access the quality measurement data.

AarteWAN LoRa metering module

With the AarteWAN metering module, Aartesys is presenting another secure option for reading household meters, using cost-effective LoRa wireless technology.
Of course, we also offer you a complete LoRa end-to-end system.
Please do not hesitate to contact us for further information.

AarteWAN LoRa Gateway

Wireless for the IoT.
The so-called IoT (Internet of Things) requires the wireless connection of a wide variety of devices, equipment and machines.
Long-range radio technology is increasingly establishing itself as a cost-effective alternative to the GSM network.
Our LoRa gateway is used as a base station and reaches target devices and sensors up to 20 kilometers away, even inside buildings and – for shorter distances – even in basements.
In combination with our AarteWan metering module, energy suppliers use our solution to read energy data.

RS-485-PLC Extender

Who hasn’t experienced this problem?
An energy meter on the second floor, no communication options and difficult installation conditions for installing a remote communication unit?
In this case, the EasyGateway® can be installed in a zone where, for example, mobile communication is available without restriction.
With our RS485 PLC extender, the distance between the meter and the communication gateway can be bridged quickly, easily and without cable installation via the existing power supply.

I/O module

Our I/O module is the ideal addition to our EasyGateway® family.
It enables the integration of analog and digital signals into an existing network and is ideal for simple switching tasks.
The I/O module has four independently switchable digital inputs and two outputs.
The inputs/outputs and the I/O module are configured via a web browser from the Easy-Gateway.

EasyGateway® EG V50

The EasyGateway® family offers a wide range of communication options, Internet protocols, secure and direct Internet communication and a large spectrum of local serial interfaces.
Common meter protocols such as IEC, DLMS and M-Bus are implemented as standard, especially for applications in the energy supply sector.

EasyGateway® EG V52

The manufacturer-independent VPN appliance for energy suppliers! Security and productivity for access to your internal networks or for data exchange in your environments.
Wide range of local serial interfaces for metering applications, control center issues and transformer station monitoring.
Future-proof and sustainable software design for the next mobile radio generations.
The replaceable mobile radio module keeps you fit for the future and protects your investment.
Customized computing power.
With scalable processors, we provide the resources you need for your application at all times.

Contact our expert:

Contact our expert:

Wolfgang Kormann

Head of Projects and Services